Friday, May 14, 2010

Over the Hump Day!

No, don't check your calendar, it's NOT Wednesday!! This was another Hump in our lives as a family.

My Sister Donna had major surgery this morning at 7 a.m. During her recent Pap test, she was told that "fortunately" some cells had trickled down into her ovaries making it possible for them to find out that she had Uterin Cancer! Now, i say "fortunate" because normally a mere Pap test would not discover this, but since the cells had trickled down, they were alerted to do MORE testing which verified the fact!

After more testing (CT, etc) she had the surgery this morning and the Dr. said that the cancer was 75% invasive, but that as far as the naked eye can tell, there is NO other area's affected. PTL The Power of prayer folks, is a very wonderful thing.
He said they did take some tissue from various spots so that they could microscopically test them for an even better evaluation. Those tests should be back on Mon or Tues of next week, but for now he said that he can say that he feels she is 98% clear & MAY be asked to have some radiation just for "insurance" that the area's around would be sealed! It was wonderful news to hear and when the Dr was so pleased and so sure, it made us feel completely confidant that my sister will be completely healed in just a matter of weeks.

I don't mind telling you that my FAITH is/was strong, but there is ALWAYS that human side of us that worries and wonders. She is not only my sister, but my absolute BEST FRIEND, and the thought of losing her almost did me in.

So, now that she will be fine after a few weeks of healing, i can now rejoice in the fact that my "DREAM OF A LIFETIME" vacation is now in full speed ahead mode. It was always in the back of my mind that if her outcome wouldn't have been good, that i would not have been able to go on this trip for obvious reasons. I never told her that, because she would have REBELLED big time and would have insisted that i go, but now that i know she'll be fine my "ANTICIPATION" is in high gear.

Thank you all for your prayers and concerns, and never, never underestimate the Power of Prayer.


  1. AMEN, The power of prayer. Look out KEYS, you will never be the same. By the time we leave it will have our MARK there I'm sure. 3 wks and counting.

  2. WAHOOOOOO on the 3 weeks!!!! we're gonna show 'em how to boogie!! we might even make the nightly film at 11!!! hahaha
